(423) 443-4525 [email protected]

Federal regulation requires CMS intermediaries to impose an application fee on each institutional provider of services or supplies.  The fee is used to cover cost of Medicare compliance efforts including initial screening of applicants.  The application fee for calendar year 2012 is $523, however, based on provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) this fee will vary from year to year.  The application fee is charged to providers enrolling for the first time, re-enrolling/re-validating, or adding a new practice locations (for applications received on or after March 25, 2011).  The application fee is imposed on supplies submitting forms CMS-855A, CMS-855B (except physician and non-physician practitioner organizations), or CMS-855S.

Click the link below to see a matrix of which application types will trigger the application fee requirement.

Application Fee Matrix

Below is a Medicare Learning Network article link that further describes the fee requirements.

Medicare Application Fee Process

CMS application fees can be paid by visiting this site


National Credentialing Solutions, Inc (“nCred”) can assist you with Medicare provider enrollment service.  Learn more about our Provider Enrollment Services.  Complete our request for proposal or call our office today at 423.443.4525 for more information about our services.