(423) 443-4525 [email protected]

Medicare Provider Enrollment News

CMS contracts with a third party to provide site visit services as an integral part of the Medicare Provider Enrollment process.  The National Sive Visit Contractor (NSVC) will conduct site visits for all providers and suppliers except for Durable Medical Equipment (DMEPOS) which will continue to be inspected by the National Supplier Clearinghouse.  MSM Security Services, LLC has the national site visit contract.  MSM, or one of its subcontractors, will conduct a site verification and screening process according to Medicare guidelines to prevent questionable providers and suppliers from enrolling in the Medicare program.  When an inspector shows up, he or she will have valid ID and a letter of authorization to begin the inspection.  You may not copy or retain the ID or letter of authorization.  You may contact MSM at any point if you have questions at 855-220-1074.

The site verification may be as quick as verifying your business location, or an inspector may physically show up to tour your clinic.  The process ensures that providers aren’t able to Enroll as participating Medicare providers without an appropriate service location.

You may see full details in section 10.6.20 of the Medicare Program Integrity Manual.

Call nCred today at (423) 443-4525 to discuss your Medicare Provider Enrollment needs.  We work with all specialties and have extensive experience processing Medicare applications.

From the Medicare Program Integrity Manual:

10.6.20 – Screening: On-site Inspections and Site Verifications (Rev. 11949; Issued: 04-13-23; Effective: 04-21-23; Implementation: 06-19-23) 

The contractor shall review section 10.3 of this chapter for special instructions regarding site visits. In the event of a conflict, those instructions take precedence over those in this section 10.6.20.

A. DMEPOS Suppliers and IDTFs

The scope of site visits of DMEPOS suppliers and IDTFs shall continue to be conducted in accordance with existing CMS instructions and guidance. (For purposes of this section 10.6.20, the term “contractor” refers to the Medicare Administrative Contractor; the term “SVC” refers to the site visit contractor.)

B. Provider and Supplier Types Other Than DMEPOS Suppliers and IDTFs

For provider/supplier types other than DMEPOS suppliers and IDTFs – that must undergo a site visit pursuant to this section 10.6.20 and § 424.518, the SVC will perform such visits consistent with the procedures in this section 10.6.20. This includes all of the following:

(1) Documenting the date and time of the visit, and including the name of the individual attempting the visit.

(2) Photographing the provider/supplier’s business for inclusion in the provider/supplier’s file. All photographs will be date/time stamped.

(3) Fully documenting observations made at the facility, which could include facts such as (a) the facility was vacant and free of all furniture, (b) a notice of eviction or similar documentation is posted at the facility, and (c) the space is now occupied by another company.

(4) Writing a report of the findings regarding each site verification.

(5) Including a signed site visit report stating the facts and verifying the completion of the site verification.

In terms of the extent of the visit, the SVC will determine whether the following criteria are met: (i) the facility is open; (ii) personnel are at the facility; (iii) customers are at the facility (if applicable to that provider or supplier type); and (iv) the facility appears to be operational. This will require the site visitor(s) to enter the provider/supplier’s practice location/site rather than simply conducting an external review. If any of the four elements ((i) through (iv)) listed above are not met, the contractor will, as applicable – and using the procedures outlined in this chapter and in existing CMS instructions – deny the provider’s enrollment application pursuant to § 424.530(a)(5)(i) or (ii) or revoke the provider’s Medicare billing privileges under § 424.535(a)(5)(i) or (ii).

C. Operational Status

When conducting a site verification to determine whether a practice location is operational, the SVC shall make every effort to limit its verification to an external review of the location. If the SVC cannot determine whether the location is operational based on this external review, it shall conduct an unobtrusive site verification by limiting its encounter with provider or supplier personnel or medical patients.

The contractor must review and evaluate the site visit results received from the SVC prior to making a final determination. If it is determined (during the review and evaluation process) that the location is non-operational based on the site visit results but there is reason to proceed with the enrollment, the contractor shall provide the appropriate justification in the comment section of the Validation Checklist in PECOS. (For example, a second site visit determined the location to be operational; the provider only renders services in patient’s homes; etc.).

If the contractor is unsure of how to proceed based on its evaluation of the site visit results, it shall contact its PEOG BFL and copy its contracting officer’s representative (COR).

D. Timing

Site verifications should be done Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) during their posted business hours. If there are no hours posted, the site verification should occur between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. If, during the first attempt, there are obvious signs that the facility is no longer operational, no second attempt is required. If, on the first attempt, the facility is closed but there are no obvious indications that the facility is non-operational, a second attempt on a different day during the posted hours of operation should be made.

E. Documentation

As indicated previously, when conducting site verifications to determine whether a practice location is operational, the SVC shall:

(i) Document the date and time of the attempted visit and include the name of the individual attempting the visit.

(ii) As appropriate, photograph the provider/supplier’s business for inclusion in the provider/supplier’s file on an as-needed basis. All photographs should be date/time stamped.

(iii) Fully document all observations made at the facility (e.g., the facility was vacant and free of all furniture, a notice of eviction or similar documentation was posted at the facility, the space is now occupied by another company, etc.).

(iv) Write a report of its findings regarding each site verification.

F. Determination

(In the event an instruction in this subsection F is inconsistent with guidance in section 10.6.6, 10.4.7 et seq., or 10.4.8, the latter three sections of instructions shall take precedence.)

If a provider/supplier is determined not to be operational or in compliance with the regulatory requirements for its provider/supplier type, the contractor shall revoke the provider/supplier’s Medicare billing privileges – unless the provider/supplier has submitted a change of information request that notified the contractor of a change in practice location. Within 7 calendar days of CMS or the contractor determining that the provider/supplier is not operational, the contractor shall update PECOS or the applicable claims processing system (if the provider/supplier does not have an enrollment record in PECOS) to revoke Medicare billing privileges and issue a revocation notice to the provider/supplier. The contractor shall afford the provider/supplier applicable appeal rights in the revocation notification letter.

For non-operational status revocations, the contractor shall use either 42 CFR § 424.535(a)(5)(i) or 42 CFR § 424.535(a)(5)(ii) as the legal basis for revocation. Consistent with 42 CFR § 424.535(g), the date of revocation is the date on which CMS or the contractor determines that the provider/supplier is no longer operational. The contractor shall establish a 2-year reenrollment bar for providers/suppliers that are not operational.

For regulatory non-compliance revocations, the contractor shall use 42 CFR § 424.535(a)(1) as the legal basis for revocation. Consistent with 42 CFR § 424.535(g), the date of revocation is the date on which CMS or the contractor determines that the provider/supplier is no longer in compliance with regulatory provisions for its provider/supplier type. The contractor shall establish a 2-year enrollment bar for providers/suppliers that are not in compliance with provisions for their provider/supplier type.

G. Multiple Site Visits

Notwithstanding any other instruction to the contrary in this chapter, the contractor shall not order a site visit if the specific location to be visited has already undergone a successful site visit within the last 12 months and the applicable provider/supplier is in an approved status.

Consider the following illustrations:

Example 1 – A single-site home health agency (HHA) undergoes a revalidation site visit on February 1. The HHA submits a change of information request on July 1 to add a branch location. The contractor shall order this site visit because the visit will occur at a location (i.e., the branch location) different from the main location (i.e., the location that underwent the February 1 revalidation visit).

Example 2 – A DMEPOS supplier undergoes a revalidation site visit on April 1. It submits an initial Form CMS-855S application on May 1 to enroll a second location. The new location shall undergo a site visit because: (1) it is different from the first (revalidated) location; and (2) it is/will be separately enrolled from the first location.

Example 3 – A physical therapy (PT) group has three locations – X, Y, and Z. As part of a revalidation, the contractor elects to order a site visit of Location Y rather than X or Z. The visit was performed on June 1. On October 4, the group submits a Form CMS-855B to report a change of ownership, thus requiring a site visit under this chapter. However, the contractor shall not order a visit for Location Y because this site has been visited within the past 12 months. Location X or Location Z must instead be visited.

Example 4 – An IDTF undergoes an initial enrollment site visit on July 1. On September 24, it submits a Form CMS-855B application to change its practice location; this mandates a site visit under this chapter. The site visit shall be performed even though the initial visit took place within the past 12 months. This is because the second visit will be of the new location, whereas the first visit was of the old location.

H. Certified Providers/Suppliers – Address Validation Error

Notwithstanding any other instruction to the contrary in this chapter, the contractor need not order a site visit for a certified provider/supplier prior to making a recommendation to the state if an address validation error is received in PECOS. The contractor shall override the error message and notate in the referral package that the address was unverifiable. This avoids multiple site visits being performed (that is, pre-enrollment, survey, and post enrollment).